1) Activity: The DC-IBWA expects that you maintain your blog or site on a "regular and frequent" basis. The association hopes that “regular and frequent” means updates on at least a bi-weekly basis during the baseball season.

Blogs will be monitored on a regular basis to ensure activity and participation. Blogs that remain non-maintained for a two month period will have their membership subject to review.

2) Participation: The association will meet occasionally to discuss the issues of the day, address any concerns of members, and to promote the association and coverage of member sites. The association will promote social gatherings as well.

While attendance will not be mandatory, it will be encouraged.

It is be mandatory for members to participate in organizational votes and player achievement votes.

3) Performance: In order to promote our product effectively, there should be some general guidelines about the content that the association promotes.

Content should steer away from personal attack, publication of potentially damaging unfounded or unsubstantiated rumor or innuendo, and gratuitous vulgarity.

4) Promotion: Each member of the association should promote the association and fellow members on their blog or site by providing a link to this site or establish a "blogroll" of DC-IBWA sites.
5) Voting: Each member blog receives one vote in the pre- and postseason awards voting, unless they are one of the credentialed online only media approved by the Nationals, in which case they receive a vote for each credentialed staff, up to three.


This site is the home of the Washington, DC chapter of the Internet Baseball Writers Association, founded in 2009.

Our goal is to promote the independent online media outlets, Internet writers, blogs and websites of this association to increase awareness and respect as active members of the media that cover the Washington Nationals MLB club.

The Association will vote each season on post-season Player Achievement Awards, both for the Washington Nationals and for the BBWAA Awards. Local awards will be named after heroes of Washington baseball. In addition, the Association will recognize excellence within the blogging community as well.

The member sites listed on our home page have met the criteria for membership and provide consistent, excellent content covering the Washington Nationals.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please e-mail the Association at and a representative of the organizing committee will respond to your inquiry.

Thank you for your interest in the DC-IBWA and its contributing members.